Introduction to Computer Programming and Data Structures

Course offered at Instructors
tcg-crest-mini-logo Institute for Advancing Intelligence (IAI),
TCG Centres for Research and Education in Science and Technology (TCG Crest),
Kolkata, India
👤 Laltu Sardar
👤 Ritankar Mandal

✦ Class Timing: Tuesday & Friday; 4:00 pm onwards

✦ Quick Links:   Syllabus  ,   Classes:Mid-Sem  ,   Classes:End-Sem  ,   Assignments  ,   Projects  ,   References  

Assignments #05

🗣 Announcements

☑ Assignement#05 has been updated.
☑ Homework for linked list has been updated.
☑ Assignement#04 has been updated.
☑ Assignement#03 has been updated.
☑ Assignement#02 has been updated.
☑ Assignement#01 has been updated.
☑ The classes will be start from January 16, 2023
☑ Marks Distribution: Mid-Sem: 40%, End-Sem: 60% and Written Exam: 50%, Assignment and Project: 50%

📆 Class Schedule: Mid-sem

# Date Topic Remarks
1 2023-Jan-24 Motivation.
2 2023-Jan-27 Software Installation.
Basic Ubuntu Commands
First C program
References: [1]
3 2023-Jan-31 Basics of C progamming slides_03
4 2023-Feb-03 Operators slides_04
5 2023-Feb-07 Functions
6 2023-Feb-10 Structures slides_06
7 2023-Feb-14 Dynamic Memory Management slides_07
8 2023-Feb-17 Compute over Large numbers slides_08
9 2023-Feb-21 Topic to be added slides_09
10 2023-Feb-24 String to int, Fibonacci sequence, Square & multiply slides_10
11 2023-Mar-01 Swap function and complex number operation slides_11
12 2023-Mar-03 Execution Time Computation
Link list: create, append, pop, concatenate
Introduction to GDB
Sample: Linked_List
Sample: Execution Time
GDB cheat-sheet (Source: Brown university)
13 2023-Mar-10 Linked List: Concatenation, Reverse, insert, delete, reverse slides_13
14 2023-Mar-14 Linked List: Part-II
15 2023-Mar-17 Doubly Link list
16 2023-Mar-21 Hash Tables
17 2023-Mar-24 Practice class
18 2023-Mar-28 Practice class
-- 2023-Apr-18 Mid-semester Exam Question Paper
sample input 01
sample input 03
sample input 04

📆 Class Schedule: End-sem

# Date Topic Remarks
1 2022-April-21 Binary Tree: Part-I slides
2 2022-April-25 Polynomial Operations slides
sample code
3 2022-April-28 Stack and Queue Operations Homework
-- 2022-April-00 GDB, Commenting
Stack, Queue,
-- 2022-April-00 Polynomial Algoithms:
Linked list and array representation
sum, multiplication, division
Devide and conquere
-- 2022-April-00 Matrix Algorithms I: Determinant: Eigen Values and Eigen Vectors
-- 2022-April-00 Matrix Algorithms II: Inverse
-- 2022-April-00 BFS, DFS, etc.
-- 2022-April-00 Binary Search Tree
-- 2022-April-00 Red Black Tree
-- 2022-April-00 AVL Tree
-- 2022-April-00 Graph Algorithms
-- 2022-April-00 Set operations

✍ Assignments

☛ For assignment #AP0x0y, the FileName will be ap0x0y.c
☛ Assignments must be sent as zip format. Filename must be where xy = assignment id and abc = your firstName. For example: will be the file name for 'Laltu Sardar' for assignment 01
☛ Send the zip file to laltu.sardar[at)outlook[dot)com. The subject will be "pds23_assignment_xy_abc" as defined above
☛ Discussion with friends is allowed. However, copying others' codes is strictly prohibited.
☛ In the beginning of each file, please include the followings
File Name:
Problem ID:
Time Spent:

☛ In acknowledgements, refer books, websites, etc., from where any part of your code inspired

# Topic Assignments Remarks
1 Basics of C programming Assignments #01 Guidelines
2 Types, Operators and Expressions math.h library Assignments #02 --
3 Execution time, Structures, Matrix Assignments #03 Sample input output
4 File reading and writing, Strings, Linked List, etc Assignments #04 Sample input output
5 Polynomial Operations Assignments #05 --
6 Matrix Algorithms: Matrix Inversion
Dominant eigen values and vectors
Assignments #06 --

📑 Projects

# Topic Remarks
- --

📚 References

  1. T. H. Cormen, C. E. Leiserson and R. L. Rivest: Introduction to Algorithms, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1998.

  2. A. Aho, J. Hopcroft and J. Ullman: The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms, A. W. L, International Student Edition, Singapore, 19983.
