✍ Assignments
☛ For assignment #AP0x0y, the FileName will be ap0x0y.c
☛ Assignments must be sent as zip format. Filename must be assignment_xyz_abc.zip where xy = assignment id and abc = your firstName. For example: assignement_01_laltu.zip will be the file name for 'Laltu Sardar' for assignment 01
☛ Send the zip file to laltu.sardar[at)outlook[dot)com. The subject will be "pds23_assignment_xy_abc" as defined above
☛ Discussion with friends is allowed. However, copying others' codes is strictly prohibited.
☛ In the beginning of each file, please include the followings
File Name:
Problem ID:
Time Spent:
☛ In acknowledgements, refer books, websites, etc., from where any part of your code inspired